AML’s Beginner Kettlebell Workout (with Update!)

UPDATE: Just a note. If you have issues with shoulder bursitis you might want to replace the windmills with a different kettlebell movement. Windmills can be very hard on the shoulders, which I’ve discovered after a mild case of bursitis. My suggestion would be to replace the windmills with a simple Kettlebell Clean. Other than that I still do all of these kettlebell moves on a regular basis and still love them!

Over the past few months I’ve been showing some of my walking group girlfriends how to use kettlebells. It’s been intermittent at best, but recently I made the suggestion that I could design a beginner workout for them, and that suggestion was met with great enthusiasm! So here’s what I came up with:

AML Beginner Kettlebell WorkoutThe Moves (link takes you to a YouTube video):

Download it in easy to read PDF Format here: BeginnerKettlebellWorkout

This past Wednesday Sharon and I went over it at the gym, and Saturday morning I tried it on my own, just to see the pacing. I used a 30-lb bell for everything but the Russian Twists, which I did with 20-lbs. You should use a kettlebell that is the right weight for you.

The warm up took me approximately 3 minutes, the workout approximately 10 minutes and the cool down approximately 4 minutes. I didn’t take many breaks during the workout, but feel free to break in between steps, just keep the break a maximum of 20 seconds. Feel free to adjust the warm up and cool down portions if you prefer, and as the workout section becomes easier, repeat it up to 3x with a 2-3 minute break in between.

grab life (With Good luck!

AML Tries Gym Classes: Les Mills’ Body Pump and Les Mills’ RPM

I’ve been going to my gym for about six months now, and since I joined I’ve always wanted to try a spin class. In fact, my gym (Edge Fitness) has spin classes as part of the top level of membership, and that’s why I signed up for that level. So far I’ve tried two Les Mills classes: Body Pump and RPM.

What is Les Mills’ Body Pump?

Body Pump is a fast paced workout where you lift light barbells for high reps to up tempo music. It’s a full body strength training and cardio workout intended to help you build lean muscle.

Picture courtesy or Oregon State University via Flickr.

AML & Body Pump

I freaking LOVE Body Pump. This is the perfect workout for me: steady reps of weightlifting with quick transitions and low down time. This workout gets your heart rate up without making you feel like you’re going to die, and the music helps keep you in the rhythm of it all. My instructor was upbeat and friendly, and the mood was positive the whole time. My first time I was sore for several days, and I LOVED it.

What is Les Mills’ RPM?

RPM is a spin class, meaning you and several other people are all in a spin room on stationary bikes. RPM features hill climbs, sprints and flat riding without any special moves. You just use the speed of your pedaling and the resistance knob on your bike to make the workout harder or easier. This is all done alongside loud, upbeat dance music to help you keep pace, similarly to Body Pump.

Fitness 'sanctuary' for families
(U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Miguel Lara III)


I have been intimidated by spin classes for a long time, but I’ve always wanted to try one. I introduced myself to the instructor before the class and told her that I had never taken a spin class. She warmly showed me how to set up my bike and explained how the class would work. I chose a bike in the front row but slightly off to the side so I could see the instructor well, and so I wouldn’t be able to see other people and compare myself to them. What helped was that the room was darkened and flooded with a cool blue light, giving the room a dance club-like feeling.

The moves were all relatively easy to pick up, and it’s very easy on the joints if you set your bike up correctly. The hardest part of the workout was when we did hill climbs: cranking the resistance up on the bike so you need to stand and use your body weight to pedal. There were definitely times where I had to lower the resistance and return to sitting, as my heart rate got into my red zone. But once I was back in a safe range I went back to following the workout, making adjustments as necessary.

By the end of the 45 minute workout EVERYONE was literally DRIPPING with sweat. It took me a moment to allow my legs to slow down so I could carefully stand, but as I exited the spinning room I was struck by such a sense of elation from the adrenaline I felt on top of the world.

There is a tiny downside to spinning: I was sore… on my “seat”. As in, where the seat hit my… uh… you know. Where you sit on the bike. Ladies, you know what I mean. This lasted 3 days! Not awful, I just had to be careful how hard I sat down on my couch at night! I didn’t experience any leg soreness, but I did burn more than 500 calories in a 45 minute session, and I count that as success. In the end, it was a blast, and I’d definitely try it again!

Ready to Try a Class?

Arrive early and introduce yourself to the instructor. I made sure I let both instructors know that I was new to both their class and to that style of workout. It’s in their best interest to help you both enjoy yourself and get the best workout, so they’ll want to help you. And don’t worry about the other people in the class, they’re all all just focused on their workouts, and you should too. So go, try it out, and have fun!

My Intense Butt & Thigh Workout

After about six months or so of using pre-made videos from Fitness Blender to do my butt and thigh strength training workouts, I decided I wanted a longer, more intense dumbbell workout to do on Mondays, when I have a longer time to commit to fitness. I’ve been working on this particular workout for about three months and have switched it up a bit, but I’m really happy with its current state.

3 Sets of 12 – 10 – 8 Reps (Perform each exercise 12 times, then rest, repeat each exercise 10 times through, rest, then repeat each exercise 8 times through). If the exercise involves doing each leg individually, I split the number of reps between each leg.

Squats & Calf Raises (20/25/30lbs per hand)

Bulgarian Split Squats & Step Ups (20/25/30lbs per hand)

Wide Squat w/ Leg Raise & Curtsy Lunge w/ Leg Raise (20/25/30lbs per hand)

I hold the weights over my shoulders when doing these exercises.

Squat Hold and Rock & Single Leg Deadlift (L) (20/25/30lbs per hand)

Okay I couldn’t find the exact video for this Squat Hold & Rock, but you squat, and then slowly and steadily switch from holding your weight on one leg before gliding slowly over to the other.

Sumo Squats & Single Leg Deadlift (R) (20/25/30lbs per hand)

Once again I use 2 dumbbells and hold them over my shoulders.

Romanian Deadlifts & Thrusts (45/50/52.5 lbs per hand)

This section takes me about an hour.  Then I finish up with a short pilates video and a stretch video.

Last week I did this Monday evening and waddled until Thursday, which I love!

Do you love pushing yourself and feeling that good soreness set in for days afterward?