Guest Post: Springtime Habits That Can Make You Healthier

Hey all! After last weekend’s freeze-fest and this weekend’s return to true April weather, I figured it would be a great time to put the emphasis on spring! I hope you enjoy this guest post by Shelly Stinson!Springtime Habits that Can Make You HealthierSpringtime Habits That Can Make You Healthier

Like a flower emerging from the springtime ground, you also have the ability to release the beauty you have within and bloom into a newer, healthier you. And with winter over and spring in full swing, now is the perfect time, the perfect season, to start thinking about what you can do to look after yourself so you can achieve a higher level of wellness.

This starts with creating new, better-for-you habits, while maybe even getting rid of some of the habits that you picked up over the last few months that haven’t exactly served you well (like cold, snowy nights spent not even getting off the couch). So what habits could you start this time of year that can potentially make you feel better by the time summer starts to roll around?

Getting Some Sun

Spending time in the sun has been touted as a no-no due to the fact that it increases your risk of skin cancer and doesn’t do any favors for you in terms of aging. However, that doesn’t mean that the sun is entirely bad. In fact, it can actually be good in the right doses.

One University of California study (posted at Medical Daily) found that people who didn’t get enough sunshine had lower levels of vitamin D and a higher risk of certain cancers. That’s why they recommend spending 10 to 15 minutes in the sun per day. This also helps you sleep better at night, improves your mood, and lowers your blood pressure—three other positive health effects from picking up this one simple habit.

Drinking More Water

When you’re holed up all winter, you typically move around less. As a result, you also tend to drink less water because you’re not hot and sweating it out. This also makes you less concerned as to whether you’re getting the Mayo Clinic recommended intake of 9 (if you’re a woman) to 13 (if you’re a man) cups per day.

But water is important to every biological function. Now that it’s warming up, this is the perfect time to make drinking it a regular habit. Simply keep a glass or bottle beside you at all times so that it is accessible. It also helps to keep track of how much you’ve had so you know whether you’re hitting your target.

Do More Things Outdoors

Now that temperatures are rising and you’re able to spend more time outdoors without freezing your fingers and toes, that also makes this time of year perfect for increasing your activity level without being stuck inside to do it. Some activities to consider that will help you improve your health by burning calories and improving muscle tone include doing yardwork, going for a walk or a bike ride, and playing tag with the kids. Be creative with your backyard and local parks, and think of all of the fitness-related things you can do outdoors.

To make this one habit, be sure to incorporate fitness into your life in a way that works for you. As College News explains, “There is absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise,” so you need to figure out what fits in your schedule best and do that. Set it for a time that makes it almost impossible to not do and it’ll make it easier to turn it into a habit.

Do these three things and you’ll notice an improvement in your health, possibly as early as summer. Then you can implement other healthy habits, getting you in even better shape yet by fall. Follow this seasonal pattern and just imagine where you’ll be by this time next year!

Shelly Stinson is a writer, foodie, and health nut based out of Denver, CO. You can follow her on twitter at

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