Don’t Call it a Resolution


Last year on SparkPeople I wrote a blog on New Years Day about setting goals for the New Year. I don’t make New Years Resolutions, because committing myself to something that strict never works for me. And apparently they don’t really work for most people, so why try? Instead, I wrote goals. Here are those goals and how I did:

If you’ve been friends with me a long time on SparkPeople, you may remember that I don’t like New Years Resolutions much, so I don’t make any. However, I’ve noticed that since reaching goal weight that I’ve been struggling to find my purpose when it comes to health. I decided several days ago that I need to set myself a few new goals for 2015. Nothing crazy, just little things I know I can accomplish, some weight related, some health related, some heart related and some confidence related.

Long Term Goals:
-Do kettlebells 3x per week (I haven’t missed a day since the beginning of September so I think this should be easy) SUCCESS – I missed maybe a handful of kettlebell workouts all year
-Drink 16+ glasses of water every day (I aim for 20 but sometimes I slack a little and end up with 12 or 14) SUCCESS
-Blog on 3x a week (this one I’m really going to have to pay attention to) SUCCESS – I may have missed one or two.

Medium Term Goals:
-Buy (and wear) a two-piece bathing suit this summer (I want a high waisted vintage style bikini) TOTALLY  DONE
-Get back closer to goal weight by bulking my meals with FRESH VEGETABLES instead of leaving myself vulnerable to candy, cookies, ice cream and potato chips I’m within goal range right now! (Or I was before Christmas week, boo.)
-Get a minimum of 6,000 steps a day (I *was* getting over 10k a day but then I found kettlebells and I’ve been slacking. Plus it’s coooold and I like walking outside) While I didn’t always get 6,000 steps a day, my average only fell below 5,000 steps 4 weeks this year. Counting that as successful!

Short Term Goals:
-Be brave. Sometimes I feel like a shy little kid and I need to work harder on putting myself out there and being adventurous. I’m going to try new things this year: lifestyle blogging, publishing a cookbook, meeting new people. (The selections on are sorely lacking in my area.) SUCCESS – I’m blogging, I joined a walking group on, and I found a community in RoadRunner Sports via the Adventure Runs. 
-Have more girl time. My bestie and my friend Mia and I are going to try to plan cheap camping trips a few times a year for just us girls. I’m also going to try to meet up with my friend Shelby to hike once or twice. (side note: Bingley is asleep on my right arm and he’s dreaming and his little paw is twitching against my shoulder. It’s so cute!) FAIL – Camping trip got canceled due to scheduling and I haven’t hiked once this year. 
-Get cultured. There are a billion cultural things to do around Philly: museums, parks, food, plays, the orchestra, opera, etc. I used to do a lot of these things when I was younger because my dad loved them. Hubs is not at all interested in opera or ballet, so these are things I can do without him. I know there are hundreds of ethnic restaurants in Philly, many of which I haven’t yet tried. I need to try them! I’m going to count this as a fail because while I’ve been to a lot of parks with walking group, none of them are culturally significant, and I haven’t been to Philly this year except for my anniversary dinner, and we’d already been to that restaurant. 

I think I did pretty well with most of these! Here are my goals for 2016:

New Year's Resolutions

Long Term Goals:

  • Have a complete first draft of a cookbook before the end of 2016
  • Pay off all of our credit card debt so we can begin to save for a house
  • RUN (and I mean run the whole thing) a legit 5K before the end of the year

Medium Term Goals:

  • Learn how to do a kettlebell snatch with proper form
  • Go camping/hiking at least once (maybe someone will ask me to go hiking with them)
  • Take a road trip to Chicago to visit family

Short Term Goals:

  • Work on better lighting for my food photography
  • Return the money I ‘borrowed’ to pay for emergencies to our savings account

What about you? Have you made your goals for the new year? Let me know in the comments!


15 thoughts on “Don’t Call it a Resolution”

  1. I’ll go hiking with you. I went hiking in Asheville NC earlier this year and really want to do more. I would love to come spend a weekend and we go somewhere – maybe in PA? You know one of my 2015 goals was to do a 5K too. I had in mind to run the whole thing. I didn’t do it that way and continued my run/walk intervals and did many 5ks this year but I also completed a 15K so I am calling it a success 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My fitness goal is to practice Yoga consistently. My spiritual goal is to practice mediation consistently. My mind goal is to read 52 books…one book a week for the year. 🙂 Those are some of my goals for 2016.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! The best advice I could five you is to start small and don’t be in a rush. Build healthy habits one at a time and add a new one when you’ve mastered the first. You can do this!


  3. My biggest goal right now is to fully unpack everything and find a place for it all! I’m all moved out of my place and fully moved in with DH, but there are boxes and bags everywhere! That is goal Numero Uno!!

    Liked by 1 person

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