Homemade Healthy Snacks – Lower Carb Edition!

So I’ve been working on my diet lately. I’ve got my workouts in the bag, but my diet has been slipping. By diet, I mean the food I eat: not a fad diet. I decided out of the blue that I’d try reducing my carb intake and upping my protein to make my macronutrients 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. This is a change from the SparkPeople standard, which is 50% carbs, 20% protein and 30% fat. I’m not going low carb at all, instead choosing to swap out some processed carbs for protein and high-quality carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice and oats. (I haven’t yet added the oats: I think I’m still sick of them from eating oatmeal for so long.) I’d already dabbled in zero carb protein powder, which I snagged because it’s tasty and isn’t grainy. So finding lower carb snacks was a bit more of an issue than anything else. Here are some of my favorites:

Half Cup 2% Cottage Cheese w/ Cinnamon and 1 Tbsp Low Sugar Blueberry Jam

IMG_20151011_160812609 (1)I’ll admit, I used to hate cottage cheese. All those little packages of salty lumpy cheese with fruit compotes? ICK! Definitely not for me. But topped with a liberal amount of cinnamon and homemade blueberry jam? Yes please! It tastes like the filling of a blueberry pie! 14 grams carbs, 3 grams fat and 10 grams protein in 125 calories.

Caprese Salad (12 Grape Tomatoes, 1 oz. Part-Skim Mozzarella, 1/4 Tbsp Olive Oil)

IMG_20151011_174651236 (1)I usually serve Caprese Salad as a side dish, but you could TOTALLY eat it as a snack! I sometimes add a drizzle of a nice aged balsamic, too, but in this one I only wanted carbs from the tomatoes and cheese. Only 6 grams net carbs here, with 9 grams protein and 8 grams fat in 135 calories. Pretty well-balanced!

Packet of Chunk Light Tuna

IMG_20151012_155106This is a shelf-stable snack that’s easy to eat on the go, all you need is a fork. Stash a few of these in your desk drawer at work, rip them open and dig right in! The picture is the regular variety but I actually prefer the low sodium version. Only 70 calories, a whopping 17 grams of protein, less than a gram of fat and ZERO carbs so you can have a cracker or two, also!

Light String Cheese and 100g Grapes

IMG_20151012_111725740_HDRGrapes aren’t necessarily “low carb”, but they’re super delicious and full of water so they feel more filling. 10 grams net carbs, 3 grams fat, 7 grams protein and less than 100 calories!

There are tons of other options: apples with almonds, pepperoni chips (I’ll be trying these soon), protein shakes, beef jerky. Do you have a favorite reduced-carb snack? Let me know in the comments!

7 thoughts on “Homemade Healthy Snacks – Lower Carb Edition!”

  1. These are great. It’s nice to have easy things because we all tend to grab food that is convenient. All of
    these can be assembled in a flash without much thought. I always liked cottage cheese with just a tiny bit
    of sugar and some cinnamon. Reminds me of my mother’s filling for homemade cheese strudel. Only much
    less fattening!

    Liked by 1 person

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